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Bedfont - NOBreath v2 Nitric Oxide FeNO Monitor

Bedfont - NOBreath v2 Nitric Oxide FeNO Monitor

Regular price £2,499.99 GBP
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Product Properties

Made in the UK, The Bedfont® NObreath® is a highly accurate, simple to use handheld monitor that facilitates the measurement of Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) in the breath.

Using proven technology with over 10 years of clinical use, the monitor is designed to detect eosinophilic airway inflammation which allows healthcare professionals to make better, more informed clinical decisions for patients displaying symptoms of airway inflammation and provide the appropriate treatment and ongoing care. The test is simple to perform, non-invasive and requires very little respiratory effort making it suitable for use on children as well as adults.

The NObreath is ergonomically designed and easy to handle. It's lightweight and portable and made with Steritouch anti-bacterial coating for infection control.

It is powered by an internal battery and comes with a USB charging docking station that also allows for PC-connectivity and comes with free FeNO chart software.

The NObreath uses a specially designed mouthpiece that is inserted at the bottom of the device. These single-patient mouthpieces (sold separately) can be used multiple times in any one session without affecting repeatability. Mouthpieces are constructed using a bacterial viral filter that further mitigates the risk of cross-infection between patients.

Operating the NObreath is incredibly quick and simple. The highly intuitive icon-based interface is easily navigable. Selecting the adult or child icon from the home screen will immediately initiate the test for that profile. The on-screen graphical instructions will guide the user when to inhale and when to exhale into the mouthpiece.

During a test, an incentive will display, guiding the user in maintaining a consistent flow rate which is essential for a good quality test. The NObreath will show test quality feedback once a test has been completed which is confirmed with either a green tick or a red cross to ensure user compliance. The result is displayed immediately after the test as a single value in parts per billion. The result can be cross-referenced with the FeNO interpretation chart that’s provided. The user has the option to store the result on the NObreath’s internal memory.

FeNO Chart PC Software is included as standard with the NObreath FeNO monitor as a digital download. The software allows the user to create, store and manage patient data, look at trends, generate reports and synchronise data between the device and PC. It also allows for live testing when the NObreath monitor is connected directly to the PC via USB cable.

NObreath comes with a 2-year warranty and has no test limitations on the sensor before needing replacing. Combined with low maintenance and running costs, the NObreath is an essential diagnostic tool that is both widely used and economically priced without compromising on quality and accuracy.

Key Features
Simple to use. Touchscreen control

  • Clinically proven technology
  • FENO Chart PC Software
  • Easy to interpret
  • Quality test feedback
  • On-screen incentives
  • Cost-effective consumables
  • Made with Steritouch
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